A Quiet Ego

“..With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.” –Ephesians 4:2-3 What ever …

She Called Me an Angel

Let mutual love continue.  Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.  Hebrews 13:1-2 Glancing at my busy schedule today, I noticed that I have a …

FGG-142 Cast Your Nets

Do you ever feel like your life is one big assembly line? You do the same things every day at the same time. And, just like the movie “Groundhog’s Day” …

Lord, Show Me a Sign

God added his testimony by signs, wonders, various acts of power and distribution of the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.  Hebrews 2:4 To say I wasn’t …

Bitter or Better?

“You either get bitter or better. It’s that simple.  You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow …