Love Never Ends-Special Delivery

“My Sweet husband, John, and I were married for 46 years. Each valentine’s Day, he’d send me the most beautiful flowers containing a note with five simple words: ‘My love …

It’s Friday, and I Have a Date!

My mom was a very spiritual woman.  One of her favorite devotions was to attend mass on the nine first Friday’s of the month, in honor of the Sacred Heart …

Lord, Teach Me to be Faithful

The reward of being ‘faithful over a few things’ is just the same as being ‘faithful over many things’; for the emphasis falls upon the same word; it is the …

Growing Older is a Blessing

The just shall flourish like the palm tree, shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.  Planted in the house of the LORD, they shall flourish in the courts of our …

1 Dollar and 100 Dollar Bill

One day, a one dollar bill and a hundred dollar bill got folded together and began talking about their life experiences. The hundred dollar bill began to brag: “I’ve had …