Who is Your Carona Virus Buddy?

With all of the self-isolation, social distancing and a constant barrage of news stories about the Covid-19 virus, many people are becoming anxious and depressed.  Some more than others.

Understand that we a SOCIAL animals looking to connect with people and not distance ourselves. Although we call it social media it hardly connects us.  As a matter of fact it disconnects us.  So does texting! It’s quick, we can reach out to friends, but it isn’t connective.

You know what is? It is the good old fashioned telephone.  It allows you to reach out and have a connected conversation with someone important to you.

Why not start by getting a Carona Virus buddy!

A friend, elderly relative, and old college roommate and agree to call each other once a day during the isolation.  Talk about old times, the future, your families, kids, grand kids.  The topics are endless.

While you’re stuck at home, why not make a list of people you haven’t spoken to in a while and give them a call. I am certain, in their boredom, they would be happy to spend some time with you. 

I’ve already made my list for tomorrow. Since I’m working from home, I’m going to take my break time and lunch hour to make a few of these calls.

In the past 24 hours I have had calls from two of my friends from daily Mass and breakfast.  Since Churches and restaurants are both closed, it might be a few weeks or more before we can go to Mass and have breakfast together.  But, we can make it appoint to call each other. We can talk to each other about our faith and where God fits into this pandemic.

So, who are going to be your Carona Virus Buddies?

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