Waiting with Purpose: Persevering When God Says “Not Yet” (Book Review)

Hurry up and wait seems to be the story of my life. In the fast-paced world we live in, people expect instant answers to every question.

Need an answer? Just google it! Text a friend and expect an immediate response.

The internet, smart phones, Alexa and search engines like Google and Bing, put the answers just a keystroke away.

Is it any wonder why waiting has become the pet peeve of almost every one?

The Lord has a way of making us wait as well. Not a day goes by that my drive to work doesn’t involved someone texting in the passing lane 20 MPH under the speed limit, the woman putting on her makeup or a man shaving in the sun visor mirror. It’s so aggravating!

That’s why Jeannie Ewing’s book, Waiting with Purpose: Persevering When Go Says “Not Yet” was drawing me in. I need to make some sense of this waiting.

How do we use this time of waiting if God’s timing is perfect? And, if waiting for someone to return our text message causes anxiety, then what about those life changing things we are waiting for.  The results of the blood work, the scan following chemotherapy, the terminal diagnosis are all times of anxious waiting.

Ewing takes us on a journey of the purpose of waiting, and gives us things to turn our waiting into spiritual opportunities. She even addresses the benefits of waiting.

If you are having a tough time with waiting, this is a book that will gently offer help. Ewing will take you by the hand and offer advice from her own life experiences.

I highly recommend, Waiting with Purpose: Persevering When God Says “Not Yet”, Jeannie Ewing, Enroute Books and Media.  Order it now on Amazon by clicking here.


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