For Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day. I thought I would share a memory of my mom and give you a preview of one of the stories in my new book, A Storyteller’s Guide to a Grace-Filled Life. An autographed copy of the book is now available on my web site with free domestic shipping.  From the book, here is Evening in Paris.

A childhood memory of my mom is Evening in Paris perfume. It was touted in the 1950’s as “the fragrance more women wear than any other in the world!”  When she and Dad went out for the evening, she would bend down to kiss me goodbye, and the sweet smell of Evening in Paris would fill my nostrils until they returned. I have always associated the scent of that perfume with my mom and happy times.

Each Mother’s Day, my sister and I were given a small amount of money to purchase something for my mom. That was easy!  I had my dad drive me to the local Grey Drug Store, where I would scan the cosmetics counter until I spotted that cobalt blue bottle. Aaah…Evening in Paris!

Even though she knew in advance, she always was thrilled to get a bottle of Evening in Paris.

Years later, my Mom lay dying in her bedroom, suffering the pain of cancer. This was before today’s pain management drugs. Members of our family would take turns spending some time with her. We would hold hands; pray the rosary, and talk, when she was able.

On her bedroom dresser were two things that meant a lot to her. One was her Infant Jesus of Prague statue that we got her for Christmas one year. It was a statue with different color vestments, changed by liturgical season. My sister kept the Infant supplied with many options, with her gift money from Dad.

Next to the Infant was her bottle of Evening in Paris, prominently displayed. What was in actuality an inexpensive drug store perfume stood as though it was the most expensive perfume in the world.

I recently read that Evening in Paris perfume was back on the shelves, although reformulated. It’s expensive now. The cobalt blue bottles from the 1940’s and 50’s are worth many times more as antiques that the perfume cost back then.

Contact your mother today. Tell her how much you love her, and remember it is not how much a gift costs, but the lifetime of memories that might result. It just might be her Evening in Paris!

Reflections: Do you have a found memory of your mother? What one word describes your mother?  If you are a Mom, how would you like to be remembered?

If you enjoyed this story, there are seventy-two more in my new book, A Storyteller’s Guide to a Grace-Filled Life. Order it by clicking on the picture link below.


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