Embrace Clinic and Care Center

Last night I attended a fundraiser for The Community Pregnancy Center’s, Embrace Clinic and Care Center. It was a wonderful event and everyone had a great time.  I’ve been involved with Community Pregnancy Center for over 25 years.  It all began when I purchased infant formula to donate after reading of their need for formula for infants. I wrote about my first encounter here.

Over time, I got more involved.  My wife served on their board for over 10 years and I have facilitated their strategic planning for over a decade as well.

The Clinic offers FREE ultrasound exams for needed women in the area in addition to free pregnancy tests, counselling, classes on parenting, nutrition and much more.  They provide material goods like diapers, infant formula, car seats, cribs and layettes all at no charge.  They do this for those that can’t speak for themselves, the unborn.  And they help young women faced with an unwanted pregnancy.  They epitomize Pro Life at its finest.

So proud to be a part of this wonderful ministry and the work they do. If you would like to support the clinic, here is a link to their web site.

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