My 16 Favorite WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

16 Best WordPress PluginsI’ve been searching the plugin universe for years to find the best plugins for blogger applications on WordPress. I am certain that there are many others equally as good, but I’ve gotten good service out of these 16 plugins.

Whenever I set up a new web site on WordPress, I always start with these basics:

  1. Google Analytics for WordPress This simple plugin handles your Google analytics. Just simply plug in the UA code and you’re done.
  2. All in One SEO Pack and Importer. Just download it and let it handle all of your search engine optimization.
  3. Askemet For those of you who encourage comments on your blog this plugin will handlemost of the spam you might receive. I have it but don’t accept comments on my blog, but that is for another discussion.

Then depending on the type of blog, I will add these helpful plugins:wordpress-logo

  1. WordPress Database Backup This plugin has saved my several times. Just set it and it will email you a backup of your data as often as you wish.
  2. Google XML Site Maps A great way to keep Google informed of recent changes to your site.
  3. W3 Total Cache Helps with loading speed. Gets you site to the user faster.
  4. WP Touch This will automatically convert your site to a mobile friendly version and with the ever increasing number of users reading blogs on their smartphones, this is a must.
  5. GTranslate This plugin uses Google Translate to translate your blog into 74 languages. You would be surprised how many additional readers you will have by offering this simple sidebar plugin.

And here are a few productivity plugins that I use on various sites:

  1. Blubrry PowerPress This is my opinion is the premiere podcasting platform, easy to set up, and use and it takes care of the iTunes updates etc. They also have very inexpensive storage for your large podcast files.
  2. Copyright Proof This plugin will make a digital certified copy of your work for copyright. It saves a lot of time and it updates as you change your text.
  3. Fast Secure Contact Form This is the only one I use for contact pages. It has all the necessary bells and whistles and is easy to set up.
  4. nRelate Related Content This plugin will display at the bottom of the post or in the sidebar additional posts that relate to the one just read. A great way to get additional page views on every visit. An attractive variety of display options as well.
  5. Revive Old Post (formerly Tweet Old Posts) A great way to tweet your evergreen posts from the past to keep your Twitter profile active and gain page views from previous posts that are still relevant.
  6. Stealth Publish Often there are items I want to post, like this one, that I do not want to appear on my home page but simply reside in the proper category in the menu. This feature allows you to post without the post appearing on your home page.
  7. Simple Pull Quote I am one who likes to break up the copy with photos and quotes. This simply plugin allow me to put a side quote that is either pulled from the text or compliments the text.
  8. WP GreetBox This plugin puts a message above your post that identifies how they got to your blog and invites them to subscribe. It has helped increase the number of subscribers who will sign up on their first visit.

There you go. Hopefully, we will start a conversation and get your favorites as well to add to the list of great FREE plugins that will help each of us in our blogging efforts.

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