Loveless Truth, Truthless Love

Speak-the-truth-in-loveLove is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  —1 Corinthians 13:4-6 

Love and truth just seem to go together.  I can’t image one without the other.  Yet, we live in a world today where people ignore the truth under the guise of love and caring, and people who know the truth seem bound and determined to hit you over the head with it.  And somehow we call this enlightenment!

Love without truth has caused reasonable people to turn themselves into human bombs, blowing themselves and the people around them up under the banner of truth.

It has caused war and division among people of the same country, not able to get along, work through their problems, and live in some degree of peace.

It has caused an almost complete shutdown of our congress, so convinced that their party is right and rather than entering into a dialogue where both sides are aired and discussed and a decision made, we are forced into a political stalemate.

[pullquote]Love without truth is like doing heart surgery with a wet fish.
But truth without love is like doing heart surgery with a hammer.–Tim Chester[/pullquote]

Truth without love, no matter how convincing has no power to persuade.  Love without truth, no matter how loving it is, is devoid of any meaning.  Truth and love cannot be divorced from each other.  They go together, belong together, complement each other, and complete each other.

Truth and love together can feed the hungry, cloth the naked, build hospitals, group homes, orphanages, and raise money for a variety of worthy causes.  It can stop bullying, protect the unborn, and bring people to know the Lord. But, it requires both!

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