Lord, Help Me to Forgive

“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”  Buddha “Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your head.”  Anonymous “Anger …

FMWT-081 30 Days to Live

What if you only had one month to live? What would you do if the doctor said to get your affairs in order in the next 30 days? How would …

FMWT-080 To Busy To Pray

We all wish we had more time to pray. Ask 100 Christians if they would like more prayer time and most would answer yes. But, most would say that a …

FMWT-077 Mothers and Sons

There is something special about mothers and sons. It is an unexplainable bond that only they share. She gave him birth, nursed him, wiped his slobbered chin, and held the …