Where Would God Hide?

One day God got tired of people. They were always pestering him, asking for things. So he said, “I’m going away to hide for a while.” So he gathered all …

Bad Company

“Do not be led astray: Bad company corrupts good morals.”  1 Corrinthians 15:33 My dad had a simple philosophy; “you are who you hang out with!”  He would argue that …

Evening in Paris

A  childhood memory of my mom is Evening in Paris perfume. It was touted in the 1950’s as “the fragrance more women wear than any other in the world!”  When …

Love and Knowledge

[audio:Love and Knowledge Audio.mp3] He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is …

Save It for Easter

Easter is the greatest holiday in the Christian church year, and in the 1950’s the tradition of dressing up in you finest new clothes at Eastertime was the norm.  As …