Interested or Committed

There is a vast difference between being interested in something and committed to it. Recently, I have been trying to discern what I could be doing to in retirement.

I took a piece of paper and wrote down things that I should do. I have always wanted to learn to speak Spanish. I’ve had a desire to learn to play the piano or guitar. Or, I can record another season of my radio program, write another book, or reactivate my blogging?

As I gazed at the list, the question in my mind was, “Are you interested or committed?”

My desire to play an instrument has been life long, so apparently, I’m not committed or I would have started years ago. Learning another language only requires I begin.  I have begun learning using online apps never committed to on-going lessons.

Do you find yourself in this same dilemma? As a writer, many people have shared with me their desire to write a book. I ask them, “Are you interested or committed?” Sadly, the vast majority of those interested will never start.

The same holds true for our faith. Are you interested in Jesus or are you committed? Great question isn’t it! Are we all-in or profess our faith when it’s convenient?

There is the analogy of the tea bag. When you make tea, do you dunk the bag in the hot water, in and out? Dunk it in pull it out, or do you push the tea bag the bottom of the cup fully immersed?

Do you dunk in and pull out your commitment to Our Lord or are you all-in, fully submerged, totally committed? Were you committed at one time, but your commitment has slipped into an interest? It might be time to reevaluate and go-all in again, to fully submerge again.

Take time today and ask yourself are you committed or interested in your faith?
