You could tell that this was a special date for them as they held hands and looked lovingly into each other’s eyes.
The waitress spotted the note on our table wishing us a happy anniversary. She congratulated us on 58 years together. I noticed the smiles on the faces of the young couple overhearing the conversation.
During the meal, the woman glanced over to us with a smile that we returned. Finally, she asked, “What’s your secret for staying together all these years?
I thought of blurting out something funny, but Diane began to speak. Diane replied, “Whenever we have a disagreement we each ask ourselves, Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?
If you want to be right an argument is sure to ensue. If you want to be happy you find some way to compromise seeking a middle ground.
How true! The next time you disagree with your spouse, ask the question, “Do I want to be happy or do I want to be right?”
The young couple replied in unison. “We want to be happy” which could be the first step in a long and happy relationship. How about you?