Finding God’s Grace Radio-week of 1/19/15



Finding God’s Grace radio broadcast for the week of January 19, 2015.  Out guest this week include Gil Michelini, author of the book Daddy Come and Get Me, and blogger at  In the first segment of the program Gil discusses his personal faith journey and how he and his wife were lead to adopting from another country.


In segment 2, Gil talks about the adoption process and the effects on both his family and the mother that was giving up her child to have a better life.daddycome

jeanheimanIn segment 3, Catholic author Jean Heimann, author of the book 7 Saints for 7 Virtues joins us.  Jean also blogs at  in Segment 3, Jean discusses her motivation for writing her book.


In segment 4, Jean discusses individual saints and how they exemplified certain virtues and how we can learn and benefit from their example.7saints

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