God added his testimony by signs, wonders, various acts of power and distribution of the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will. Hebrews 2:4
To say I wasn’t having a good day would be an understatement. Nothing, from the time I opened my eyes, was going right. As I drove to work, I prayed my favorite prayer, “Lord make me an instrument; put someone in front of me today that you can help through me.” Only this time I added, “And by the way, Lord, the way things are going today you’ll probably have to hit me over the head to get my attention, if you expect anything from me.”
During my lunch hour I stopped at my bank to pay a bill with a small expense check. As I waited in line at the tellers window, I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation going on at the next window. A young woman was paying her mortgage, but her checking account was two dollars short and she didn’t have any cash with her. “It’s a shame that you will have to go back home to get two dollars,” the teller said. “But there isn’t anything I can do.”
It was my turn in line and as I hurriedly handed over the transaction to my teller, I was too focused on my own bad day to realize that two dollars was my exact change!
I thanked the teller and without giving it another thought rushed back to my car. As I opened the door to get in, the sun visor fell hitting me right on the forehead! It wasn’t loose, or broken, and this had never happened before, but it hurt. “Ouch, Damn it,” I yelled in a loud voice.
Then, I remembered. I had asked God to hit me over the head to get my attention, if he needed me that day. Immediately I returned to the bank, handed the young woman the two dollars she needed. She smiled, and gave me a hug, as the teller happily completed her transaction.
As I returned to work, I couldn’t help but think that my day was going to get better, except, that is, for the lump on my forehead. And to tell the truth, it did. Just like the rest of my buddies, God has an unusual sense of humor.
***This is an update of a post that originally appeared on October 14, 2012***
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