Stirring Slumbering Souls (Book Review)

When an art curator is looking to do a new exhibit there are many factors to take into account.  Whatever the subject matter, there are always hundreds or even thousands of choices to fill the space that is limited by the size of the gallery. The curator must choose only the best pieces of art to display.

Google anything on the web and you might get several thousand responses.  Web 2.0 is all about curating the responses to give you only the best choices.

If you are a person committed to Eucharistic Adoration, then finding materials to read and reflect on can become a difficult task.

That’s where Michael Seagriff steps in.  Michael has been curating only the best quote and reflections for many years.  He has many books that I have found a blessing in my time of personal reflection.

His latest, Stirring Slumbering Souls: 250 Eucharistic Reflections is an amazing source of quotes culled from the very best Catholic sources like St. Padre Pio, St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, and Bishop Sheen. He also had curated quotes from contemporary Catholics as well.

As with most master curators, Michael Seagriff does all the work and we get the benefit!  Seagriff’s personal devotion to adoration is not only reflected in the choices, but assures that he has painstakingly selected only the very best.

Stirring Slumbering Souls: 250 Eucharistic Reflections is a book that you can carry with you to adoration and finds hours of material to reflect and meditate on.

If your time in reflection is in a rut or if you are looking for the perfect companion for Eucharistic Adoration, then this is a book that you can enjoy and go back to many times.

I highly recommend Stirring Slumbering Souls: 250 Eucharistic Reflections. It has been a blessing to me and I am certain it will be for you as well.

Stirring Slumbering Soul: 250 Eucharistic Reflections, Michael Seagriff, O.P. $9.99  in paperback at Click here to go to Amazon.

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